第229章 威士忌(1 / 1)


余信岑拦住他:“Don't drink too much, it's easy to get drunk. (别喝太多,很容易醉的。)”

“I'm so sad today, Shinzen, do you understand? My first lover got married!(我今天太伤心了,信岑,你懂吗?我的初恋情人竟然结婚了!)”布鲁斯又喝了一口酒。

“Today, instead of talking about your first love, let's talk about you and Susan. How did you meet her?(今天不聊你的初恋,我们聊你和苏珊,你和她是怎么认识的?)”余信岑问。

“At a club activity, she said she was interested in me. She gave me a room card, and then we went to the hotel together.(在一个社团活动上,她说对我有意思,塞我一张房卡,之后我们就一起去酒店了。)”布鲁斯语气有些怀念,“She is really sexy. If I hadn't met Jane later, I might have liked her.(她真的很性感,要不是后面遇到了简,我可能会喜欢她。)”






“You'd better forget about Jane. She's married. It's not good to ruin her marriage.(你还是别想着简了,她已经结婚了,破坏人家的婚姻不好。)”

布鲁斯已经有些醉了,口无遮拦道:“What about getting married? She can get a divorce, and I think a wife is sexier.(结婚又怎么样?可以离婚,而且我觉得人妻更性感。)”


“Well, don't think about it. Go back and have a good rest.(好了,你别想了,回去好好休息。)”

布鲁斯喝完了一瓶威士忌:“Shincen, I want to leave here. I have decided to go back to my country tomorrow.(信岑,我想离开这里了,我想回国)。)”

余信岑有些惊讶,没想到布鲁斯这么伤心:“But don't you still want to attend the alumni reunion?(可你不是还想参加校友聚会吗?)”

“But being here makes me sad.(可在这里让我很伤心。)”布鲁斯嘟囔完这句话,,就趴在桌子睡着了。


最新小说: 沙漠神女模拟器 白月光驾到[娱乐圈] 年代文作精竟是我自己 全能大粉,日赚百万 全网黑的我退圈当娱记后爆红了 穿书后因没手机郁郁而终 我,人品低劣的万人迷 我的特级咒灵丈夫 澳寻芳踪 永生游戏[无限]